Sunday, April 29, 2012

1st pic of the racing mb5 more to come


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103sp racer

70cc gila kit
simo pip
70cc head
all worked over stock variator
50mph and pulls hard

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

so rad
just for fun!

parts for the Hobbit are getting hear one by one. boyesens and variator rollers 8 gram. and
 an og Magnum mkII receipt 965.93 for a supper rad top tank! 

a foxi with a tomos a55 with a 65 treats reed ported custom head 21 phbg MoSport intake MoSport a55 tomos engine plates 26x22 gearing will only go 48 mph  but will pull a hills like no other
tack puch tomos custom one day
the g3 sachs with an a55 tomos and an 80 metrakit 24 flat slide, simo,  custom dome tubes all most done parts all from

 some of the mopeds at my house

This is an OG puch magnum za50 with an oil injection ported 50cc other wise all stock but still did 41mph

This is my 1977 PUCH Magnum with a 80cc metrakit ported,case where all done up for the 80cc kit, a 24 flat slide, a 24mm intake by mosport, a custom pip, with 16x36 gearing did over 60 mph so much fun to ride sold it a year back wish i would have keep it all part where at

This is my 2009 TOMOS ST with an 65cc treats reed ported for high rpm custom head  a  malossi 4 pedal reed block with a MOSPORT intake and a 21 phbg a simo pip and a MOSPORT high rpm cdi box srill runs after 100000000000 rides still over 55mph a real fun ped

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dam mopeds

So after many years of Puchs and Tomos moped building. (6+ 80cc bikes and 20+ 70cc) bikes I gave in a rode a raced out honda and i am in love with the Honda Hobbit I am going to be posting all the mods i do along the way with pics and videos